The Nominating Committee submits the following Slate of Officers to be elected at the July Business meeting to be held at the Business Meeting in Amana, Iowa.
- President James Peek
- Webmaster Tom Digate
- VP Membership Mary Costigan
- Operations West Katherine Henley
- Secretary Pattee Perez
- VP Business Development
All nominees have been contacted regarding their responsibilities and have indicated a willingness to serve the club.
As a reminder, if anyone wishes to nominate a candidate they may do so at the July Business Meeting. A motion from the floor, followed by a second and acceptance by the person nominated on the ballot would be required. Once the nominations are closed the election will follow.
Respectfully submitted
Barbara Knutson, on behalf of the members of the Nominating Committee
Nominating Committee
Katherine Henley – Julia Robertson, John MacCallum, Beth Digate, Cheryl Peek