The following are the open board positions to be elected
for the 2024-2026 term at the FCOC June 2024 Summer Event in Branson, MO.
Sr. Vice President, Treasurer, Editor. VP Operations East,
VP of Administration, VP Business Development
The following members have indicated they will run for those offices:
Sr. Vice President – Steve Jeanneret
Treasurer – Tom Bernardi
Editor – Cindy Feindel
VP Operations East – Abe Shalley
VP of Administration – Kim Batorson
VP Business Development – Don Klingstein
For any FCOC members who would like to be a candidate for one of these positions,
we encourage you to notify the nominating committee.
Current Nominating Committee members are:
Don Klingstein:
Roy Hopper:
Chris Perez:
Ed Hessemer:
When emailing please put 2024 election of Officers in the subject line.
You can find the duties of each office on
Click on the Dashboard section, then Club Documents and choose Standing Rules.
Board members serve a two year term. Elections are every year at the Annual
Board meeting. Board positions up for election in 2025 for the 2025-2027 term will be
President, Secretary, VP Membership, VP Area West, and Webmaster
Nominating Committee Chairman
Pattee Perez
949 697-8892