News from the Annual Meeting in Branson

Dear Members,
On June 24, 2024, your club held the annual business meeting at our event in in
Branson, MO. Several important issues were addressed, and I want to update all
The first order of business was to elect members to fill board positions for expiring
terms. The following members were elected to office for a two-year term:
Steve Jeanneret – Sr Vice President
Tom Bernardi – Treasurer
Cindy Feindel – Newsletter Editor
Abe Shalley – VP Operations East
Kim Batorson – VP of Administration
Don Klingstein – VP Business Development
A big thanks to these members for volunteering for these important positions.
The second issue was to approve revisions to the By-Laws and Standing Rules. The preceding
By-Laws and Standing Rules had not been updated since 2015. The updated editions are
posted on the website. (Club Documents)

Based on some changes in our support from Freightliner Custom Chassis Corporation (FCCC),
a member suggested we raise our annual dues to $25 per year. After discussion with the
members present, the motion to increase the dues was unanimously approved. The increase
will take effect on October 1, 2024. Those members who have already renewed for multiple
years are unaffected until their next renewal. Any members who renew prior to October 1, will
be able to extend their membership at the current rate. Because many members have renewed
for an extended number of years, the influx of dues will be gradual over the next several years.
The full minutes of the meeting are posted on the website for all members to review.
If you attended the Branson event, thank you for your participation in our annual meeting. If you
did not attend, the next annual meeting will be in Allegan, MI in June 2025. Please make plans
to come. We would love to see you there.
Safe Travels,
Steve Bertling
Freightliner Chassis Owners Club